Kisan Bio Neem is a product which is designed to reduce the spread of soil-borne diseases in an innovative model. It can be used with both organic and chemical fertilizers, which are good for soil health and crop protection.
The use of Neem in agriculture is not new but using from ancient times. There is no need to tell farmers that Neem is a ‘life-saving medicine’ for crops in India.
Kisan Bio Neem is a product which is designed to reduce the spread of soil-borne diseases in an innovative model. It can be used with both organic and chemical fertilizers, which are good for soil health and crop protection.

This powder is basically natural and organic and eco-friendly (environmental friendly). There is no harm to the user or to the agriculture land or to the crops. it offer multiple benefits to farmers.
Neem Sodium, Potassium, Salt, Calcium, Chlorophite, Vitamin, Agile Acid helps relieve soil from diseases. Neem usually protect crops from pests and diseases. We also added some other beauty herbs with our products which are more benefits to farmers to yield more.
- Enriches the bioactivity of soils and crops
- Reduction in amount of fertilizers and pesticides used by farmers results them to save buying costs
- Prevent the damages happened from many microorganisms present in the soil, insects and their eggs and protect the crops.
- Eradicate insects that cause root nodule diseases
- It can help to preserve soil health and fertility for a long time
- Alcalde, Finolis and Tarpendise organic elements are extracted with special process and used in our product which helps to eliminate the deadly diseases of the crop that are born from the soil-borne and insect-borne
Usage Instructions
The amount can be increased by at least 150 kg per acre, depending on the characteristics of the land. The limit is not specific. Sowing on land should be done with other fertilizers or separately in the soil.